Mevis Liver Suite



Mevis Liver Suite

MeVis Liver Suite is a dedicated image analysis software intended to be used for the visualization of hepatic imaging studies derived from CT and MRI scanning devices. It is a useful support in treatment planning.In the field of tumor resection, liver donation, and case follow-up.

MeVis Liver Suite provides additional information on complex anatomical and pathological structures and helps surgeons, radiologists, and radiologic technologists to facilitate their workflow and enhance their liver surgery planning.

    • Benefit from comprehensive image analysis software with automated pre-segmentation, liver volumetry, and patient individual liver territories from vasculature.
    • Visualize your virtual plans in detail with the patient`s individual anatomy while planning for living donor liver transplantations (LDLT) and oncologic liver treatment.
    • View and communicate anatomical details in advance to carefully arrange for potential challenges in treatment and save related cost.
    • Interactively define different planning variants to decide on the best option prior to intervention.
      • MeVis Liver Suite allows comprehensive image analysis and works with CT, MRI, and a combination of both.
      • DICOM image import from PACS.
      • AI supported pre-segmentation of liver and liver vasculature.
      • Image segmentation tools for abdominal organs and vasculature.
      • Virtual exploration of resection scenarios.
      • Information and insights on tumor burden, remnant volume, graft to recipient ratios.
      • Display of visualization results in any anatomical combination.
      • Various export options to view results beyond MeVis Liver Suite (e.g. 3D printing, VR).
      • Scanner and PACS vendor neutral.